Why Pick-Your-Own local flowers?

The UK flower industry imports 90% of all it’s flowers, the vast majority from enormous, industrial flower farms, thousands of air miles away……..

Refrigerated, artificially dyed, drenched in fungicides and pesticides and with most of mother nature and any seasonality bred out of them, our supermarket flowers are then wrapped in un recyclable plastic and take days to reach the buckets at the front of the store.

We believe there is another way

At Foxlight, we only grow with the seasons and specialise in flowers you can’t get in the supermarket.

By growing from seed, we have created our very own carbon sink and are a mission to be Net Positive – a business that contributes more to the planet than it takes out.

Our naturally wild, beautifully scented, garden gathered aesthetic is the perfect antidote to anodyne architectural stems and the experience of Picking-Your-Own is the perfect way to relieve stress, connect with the land and mindfully relax.

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves”

Mahatma Gandhi

90% of flowers sold through florists, supermarkets and wholesalers are imported from Holland, Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya and Ethiopia, amassing thousands of air miles every year.

Dutch and Kenyan grown bouquets have an average carbon footprint of 32kg/CO2

An equivalent British grown bouquet has a carbon footprint of 3kg/CO2

A locally grown bouquet of 15 outdoor grown stems has a carbon footprint of 1.7kg/CO2